Brightening Your Inner Clarity ~ Awareness of Awareness Meditation Retreat.
Sat, 31 Jul
This weekend retreat is ideal for those who would like to learn, embrace or deepen their meditation practice. The meditations will be guided and focused firstly on the breath and moving gradually to the observation of the mind itself ~ of being aware of awareness itself.

Time & Location
31 Jul 2021, 9:00 am – 01 Aug 2021, 4:45 pm
Auckland, 44 Powell Street, Avondale, Auckland 1026, New Zealand
About the event
This weekend retreat is ideal for those who would like to learn,  embrace or deepen their meditation practice. The meditations will be  guided and focused firstly on the breath and moving gradually to the  observation of the mind itself ~  of being aware of awareness itself.  The retreat will have a strong focus on being mindful of own intentions  and how to transform them into more compassionate and wise ones. The  mornings will be in silence.
- if you plan to sit on the floor, bring your own cushion and a blanket
- bring a notebook to take notes
- arrive 10min earlier to the first session every morning
- have a good night sleep before each day
- bring an open and curious mind :)
Why to meditate?
Maybe  you want to start meditating because you want to be less reactive, feel  less stressed, or be more focused. Maybe meditating is part of a wider  personal development plan of some kind. Or maybe you’re looking to  improve your relationships with those around you. Whatever the reason,  training the mind through meditation is training in awareness, and  training in awareness offers the potential to fundamentally transform  your perspective on life.
This retreat will be ocnducted by Ven KhadroÂ
Ven.  Khadro: was born in Venezuela of European parents, has been a New  Zealand resident for 12 years and has lead various mindfulness courses  and retreats in different countries, including New Zealand,  Australia, Colombia and India. Khadro is a NZ Buddhist Chaplain, a FPMT  registered teacher, who is  studying in a Masters Programme in Buddhist  Philosophy and has served in various FPMT Centers around the world. Ven  Khadro is currently a Resident Teacher at Mahamudra.
Ven  Khadro is an old friend of a lot of Amitabha Hospice people. And so  many  people have found her retreats truly wonderful that we would like  to  make this available to as many people as possible, therefore we'd  like  to offer this by Dana (donation). We hope you can be as generous  as  possible, but we completely understand the financial difficulties  people  most people face and we can't afford to lose money either.
The  (vegetarian) catering for two days is $35 per person.  Accommodation not provided.   P.S. Limited seating available so please do register as soon as possible.