NZ Buddhist Chaplaincy Course Level 1
Fri, 20 Aug
We are going to run the Level 1 NZ Buddhist Chaplaincy Course for the fifth time. This qualifies men and women to serve Buddhists within the NZ healthcare - hospice system as Apprentice Buddhist Chaplains

Time & Location
20 Aug 2021, 9:30 am – 22 Aug 2021, 4:30 pm
Auckland, 44 Powell Street, Avondale, Auckland 1026, New Zealand
About the event
We are going to run the Level 1 NZ Buddhist Chaplaincy Course  for the fifth time. This qualifies men and women to serve Buddhists within the NZ healthcare - hospice system as Apprentice Buddhist Chaplains. The NZ Buddhist Council would like to see fully qualified Buddhist Chaplains available in every hospital in NZ. The course will be held on Friday 20, Sat 21 & Sun 22 August  2021, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at Amitabha Hospice, 44 Powell St,  Avondale, Auckland. No accommodation is available. The cost of the course is $200 for laypeople and $100 for ordained. The full fee must be paid by Friday 30 July. A complimentary Vegetarian lunch is provided each day. The training is only open to those who are accepted into the program. Application procedure: 1. Each question (below) must be answered in an attachment, emailed to Ecie Hursthouse by Monday 31 May. Please place the number beside your answer to each question.
- Your name, home address, email address, skype name and telephone number(s). We can use zoom if you don't use skype.
- What is your motivation for becoming a NZ Buddhist Chaplain?
- What has been your volunteer experience, personal experience with caregiving, or other relevant work experience?
- What is your Buddhist tradition or lineage?
- When did you take Refuge? How many years have you practiced Buddhism?
- What formal training have you had in Buddhism?
- Have you had any training in counseling or listening skills?
- Where and how do you plan to utilise the skills and knowledge acquired in this Chaplaincy course?
- What is your age? Are you currently employed?
- Please provide two Buddhist referees in NZ with contact details: phone numbers (and skype name if possible). No letters of recommendation, just names and contact details of people who are willing to answer questions on the phone about you.
2. Applications will be reviewed and then an appointment will be made for a skype or zoom interview. 3. Successful applicants will then be accepted into the 3-day workshop. At the conclusion of the three days, the participants are accepted as Apprentice Buddhist Chaplains and may volunteer in medical facilities, working to accrue the 200 hrs of experience necessary to become NZ Buddhist Chaplains. Each person attending the workshop receives an extensive booklet of all the course material, other informative reading material, and a bibliography. The full three-day workshop must be completed before he / she is accepted as an NZ Apprentice Buddhist Chaplain. We appreciate people applying as soon as possible, but certainly before the Monday 31 May 2021 deadline. This  also helps people who live outside Auckland, so that they can be  interviewed sooner and then make travel and accommodation arrangements  if they are accepted.